Objective of the Game

The goal of Cryptid Fates is to kill 10 of your opponent's Cryptids before they do the same to you.

Only have a single deck on-hand?

You can use a single deck divided into two (each with at least 5 Kindling Cryptids) if you want a shorter match. In that case, you must kill 5 of the enemy's Cryptids instead.

In either case, make sure your deck(s) has enough Pyre cards to fuel your game!

Types of Cards

Before diving into battle, it's important to understand what types of cards there are and what they can (or can't) do.


Cryptids are monsters that can attack, support and evolve. You want to kill your enemy's Cryptids while keeping yours alive. There are three types of Cryptids.

Cryptid Cards

Cryptid cards are the most basic monster card. Cryptids are conjured into the combat field or support field, can be evolved (if able), and can attack enemy monsters.

Kindling Cryptid Cards

Kindling Cryptid cards are monsters that are weaker than typical Cryptids. However, they are completely free to conjure (costing 0 Pyres). These cards exist to make sure players always have a Cryptid ready to conjure.

At the start of each game, Kindling Cryptids must be separated from your deck and placed within their own side-deck called the Kindling deck. For a normal game, you must have 10 Kindling Cryptids.

Keep in mind, Kindling Cryptids must be conjured if your opponent attacks and you have no Cryptids on the field. In this case, the attack lands on the Kindling Cryptid you just drew and placed on the field.

This is why the amount of Kindling Cryptids in your deck must be equal to or greater than the number of dead Cryptids required to win a game. And yes, you may have more than 10 Kindling Cryptids in your deck.
